著 書
山下能毅 Ⅱ.婦人科疾患の治療 2.感染症, 3.不妊症
臨床ナースのためのBasic & Standard 婦人科看護の知識と実際(大道正英 編)
2009;90-107,108-126. MCメディカ出版 -
山下能毅 手術編 Ⅱ.婦人科手術:子宮内容除去術
婦人科ナーシングプラクティス(倉智博久、大谷和子、大道正英、神谷美佐子、若槻明彦、伊藤惠子 編)2009;129-130. 文光堂 - 山下能毅、大道正英 Ⅴ章 婦人科疾患:子宮筋腫
オフィスギネコロジー 女性のプライマリ・ケア(鈴木秋悦、武田佳彦、青野敏博 編)
臨床婦人科産科.2012;66:214-218. 医学書院
原 著
Intraoperative blood salvage in abdominal uterine myomectomy.
Yamada T, Yamashita Y, Terai Y, Ueki M.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet.1997;56:141-5. 2.045 -
Removal of malignant cells through a leukocyte-depletion filter for autologous blood transfusion.
Yamada T, Terai T, Yamashita Y, Ueki M.
International Journal of Clinical Oncology.1997;2:143-6. 1.410 -
Adnexal torsion.
Yamashita Y, Sowter M, Ueki M, Gudex G.
Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol.1999;39:174-7. 1.237 -
Comparison of IVF-ET outcomes under various GnRH agonist dosages in a long down-regulation protocol.
Yamashita Y, Ushiroyama T, Ueki M.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet.2002;76:317-8. 2.045 -
Correlation between vascular endothelial growth factor-C expression and invasion phenotype in cervical carcinomas.
Ueda M, Terai Y, Yamashita Y, Kumagai K, Ueki K, Yamaguchi H, Akise D, Hung YC, Ueki M.
Int J Cancer.2002;20;98:335-43. 5.444 -
Influence of severe endometriosis on gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin-6 in granulosa cells from patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer.
Yamashita Y, Ueda M, Takehara M, Yamashita H, Suzuki Y, Hung YC, Terai Y, Ueki M.
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Survivin gene expression in endometriosis.
Ueda M, Yamashita Y, Takehara M, Terai Y, Kumagai K, Ueki K, Kanda K, Yamaguchi H, Akise D, Hung YC, Ueki M.
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Gene expression of adhesion molecules and matrix metalloproteinases in endometriosis.
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Retrospective study for obstetric outcome of twin pregnancy following IVF-ET
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Bulletin of the Osaka Medical Col1ege.2002;48:15-18 -
Unkei-to for correcting luteal phase defects.
Ushiroyama T, Ikeda A, Higashio S, Hosotani T, Yamashita H, Yamashita Y, Suzuki Y, Ueki M.
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Effects of Unkei-to on FSH, LH and estradiol in anovulatory young women with hyper- or hypo-functioning conditions.
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Role of fertility treatments in multiple pregnancy at National Women’s Hospital from 1996 to 2001.
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The outcome of repeated in vitro fertilization-embryo tranfer based on the endometrial thickness
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Vascular endothelial growth factor A and C gene expression in endometriosis.
Takehara M, Ueda M, Yamashita Y, Terai Y, Hung YC, Ueki M.
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Effects of switching to wen-jing-tang (unkei-to) from preceding herbal preparations selected by eight-principle pattern identification on endocrinological status and ovulatory induction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Ushiroyama T, Hosotani T, Mori K, Yamashita Y, Ikeda A, Ueki M.
Am J Chin Med.2006;34:177-87. 1.383 -
Transcriptional expression of survivin and its splice variants in endometriosis.
Fujino K, Ueda M, Takehara M, Futakuchi H, Kanda K, Yamashita Y, Terai Y, Ueki M.
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Efficacy of the Kampo medicine Xiong-gui-jiao-ai-tang, a traditional herbal medicine, in the treatment of threatened abortion in early pregnancy.
Ushiroyama T, Araki R, Sakuma K, Nosaka S, Yamashita Y, Kamegai H.
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Xiong-gui-tiao-xue-yin (Kyuki-chouketsu-in), a traditional herbal medicine, stimulates lactation with increase in secretion of prolactin but not oxytocin in the postpartum period.
Ushiroyama T, Sakuma K, Souen H, Nakai G, Morishima S, Yamashita Y, Kamegai H.
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Mitochondrial gene expression in granulose cells of severe endometriosis with in vitro fertiltzation and embryo transfer.
Yamashita Y, Asano M, Morishima S, Fujino K, Terai Y, Ohmichi M.
Fertil Steril 2007;88:1703-5. 3.564 -
Survivin gene expression in granulosa cells from infertile patients undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer.
Fujino K, Yamashita Y, Hayashi A, Asano M, Morishima S, Ohmichi M.
Fertil Steril.2008;89:60-5. 3.564 -
Successful pregnancy after conservative surgery for stage IA endometrial cancer in a young woman.
Yasuda M, Terai Y, Sekijima T, Sasaki H, Yamashita Y, Kanemura M, Ohmichi M.
Fertil Steril.2009;91:936.e13-5. 3.564 -
Long-term follow-up of neoadjuvant intraarterial chemotherapy using an original four-lumen double-balloon (4L-DB) catheter for locally advanced uterine cervical cancer.
Terai Y, Kanemura M, Sasaki H, Tsunetoh S, Tanaka Y, Yamashita Y, Yamamoto K, Narabayashi I, Ohmichi M.
Int J Clin Oncol.2009;14:56-62. 1.41 -
Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Surgery Against Antibiotics-resistant Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Yamashita Y, Okuda K, Yoshida Y, Hayashi A, Narahara K, Karita M, Terai Y, Omichi M.
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College.2009;55:1-7 -
Remarkable lethal G-to-A mutations in vif-proficient HIV-1 provirus by individual APOBEC3 proteins in humanized mice.
Sato K, Izumi T, Misawa N, Kobayashi T, Yamashita Y, Ohmichi M, Ito M, Takaori-Kondo A, Koyanagi Y.
J Virol.2010;84:9546-56. 5.402 -
Role of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and AKT cascades in regulating hypoxia-induced angiogenic factors produced by a trophoblast-derived cell line.
Fujita D, Tanabe A, Sekijima T, Soen H, Narahara K, Yamashita Y, Terai Y, Kamegai H, Ohmichi M.
J Endocrinol.2010;206:131-40. 3.548 -
Mature cystic teratoma of the fallopian tube.
Fujiwara S, Yamashita Y, Yoshida Y, Terai Y, Okuda K, Ohmichi M.
Fertil Steril.2010;94:2708-9. 3.564 -
Topotecan as a molecular targeting agent which blocks the Akt and VEGF cascade in platinum-resistant ovarian cancers.
Tsunetoh S, Terai Y, Sasaki H, Tanabe A, Tanaka Y, Sekijima T, Fujioka S, Kawaguchi H,
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Cancer Biol Ther.2010;10:1137-46. 2.636 -
Random Plasma Glucose Value of 95mg/dl Early in Pregnancy: A Suitable Threshold for Hospitals Facing Obstetrician Shortage
Kumagai K, Yasuda M, Kaneko S, Fujita D, Yamashita Y, Kamegai H, Omichi M.
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College.2010;56:83-9 -
Impact of platinum-based chemotherapy on the progression of atherosclerosis
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Prognostic effect of epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutations and the aberrant phosphorylation of Akt and ERK in ovarian cancer.
Tanaka Y, Terai Y, Tanabe A, Sasaki H, Sekijima T, Fujiwara S, Yamashita Y, Kanemura M, Ueda M, Sugita M, Franklin W, Ohmichi M.
Cancer Biol Ther.2011;11:50-7. 2.636 -
Paraovarian Tumor of Borderline Malignancy Found During Pregnancy
Hayashi M, Yamashita Y, Kanemura M, Terai Y, Omichi M.
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College.2011;57:107-9. -
Does advanced-stage endometriosis affect the gene expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in granulosa cells?
Karita M, Yamashita Y, Hayashi A, Yoshida Y, Hayashi M, Yamamoto H, Tanabe A, Terai Y, Ohmichi M.
Fertil Steril.2011;95:889-94. 3.564 -
Interstitial pregnancy treated by transcervical aspiration of the gestational sac combined with systemic and local administration of methotrexate.
Kato S, Tanaka T, Terai Y, Yamashita Y, Ohmichi M.
J Obstet Gynaecol Res.2011;37:1250-4. 0.942 -
Prenatal diagnosis of xeroderma pigmentosum group A in Japan.
Moriwaki S, Yamashita Y, Nakamura S, Fujita D, Kohyama J, Takigawa M, Ohmichi M.
J Dermatol.2011;39:516-9. 1.493 - Expression and Epigenetic Change of the AR and FSHR Genes in the Granulosa Cells of Endometriosis Patients.
Hayashi M, Yamashita Y, Hayashi A, Yoshida Y, Kawabe S, Hayashi M, Terai Y, Kamegai H, Ohmichi M.
Genetics & Epigenetics.2012;4:1-8. -
Efficacy and Safety of the Bipolar Electrode Grasping Forceps for Laparoscopic Myomectomy in Uterine Cervical Myoma
Higuchi Y, Okuda K, Nakamura Y, Hayashi A, Hayashi M, Fujiyama F, Yoshida Y, Yamashita Y,
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Asian J of Endosc Surg.2012;5:126-30. - Compared with cystectomy, is ovarian vaporization of endometriotic cysts truly more effective in maintaining ovarian reserve? Saito N, Okuda K, Yuguchi H, Yamashita Y, Terai Y, Ohmichi M. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2014:5;804-10.
- Analyzing the possible involvement of anti-Müllerian hormone and anti-Müllerian hormone receptor II single nucleotide polymorphism in infertility. Yoshida Y, (C)Yamashita Y, Saito N, Ono Y, Yamamoto H, Nakamura Y, Hayashi A, Terai Y, Ohmichi M. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2014:2;163-8
The effect of moderate to severe endometriosis on expression of growth differentiation factor-9 mRNA in human granulosa cells under controlled ovarian hyperstimulation Kawabe S, (C)Yamashita Y, Saito N, Kokunai K, Hayash Ai, Hayash M, Terai Y, Miyazaki K, Ohmichi M
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Analysis of the methylation rate of the androgen receptor promoter region ingranulosa cells in moderate to severe endometriosis patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. NakamuraY,(C)Yamashita Y, Saito N, Yamamoto H, Hayashi M, Terai1 Y, Ohmichi M
J Reprod Endocrinol & Infertil 2015:1;1-8. - A lower FOXO3 mRNA expression in granulosa cells is involved in unexplained infertility. Yamamoto H, Yamashita Y, Saito N, NakamuraY, Hayashi M, Terai1 Y, Ohmichi M. J Obstet Gynaecol Res.2017 in press
Comparison of the impact of laparoscopic endometriotic cystectomy and vaporization on postoperative serum anti-Mullerian hormone levels. Saito N, Yamashita Y, Okuda K, Kokunai K, Terai Y, Ohmichi M
Asian J of Endosc Surg 2017 in press
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卵巣チョコレート嚢胞に対する保存手術とGnRHアゴニスト併用療法の治療成績(GnRH Clinical Report)
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奥田喜代司、湯口裕子、林 篤史、田辺晃子、苅田正子、中村嘉宏、楢原敬二郎、山下能毅、寺井義人、大道正英
奥田喜代司、吉田陽子、関島龍治、苅田正子、中村嘉弘、楢原敬二郎、林 篤史、林 美佳、山下能毅、寺井義人、大道正英
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奥田喜代司、市川文雄、楢原敬二郎、苅田正子、林 篤史、林 美佳、湯口裕子、藤岡聡枝、中村嘉弘、山下能毅、寺井義人、大道正英
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山下能毅、吉田陽子、川辺紗智子、林 美佳、林 篤史、苅田正子、奥田喜代司、大道正英
症 例 報 告
A case of vulvar schwannoma.
Yamashita Y, Yamada T, Ueki K, Ueki M, Sugimoto O.
J Obstet Gynaecol Res.1996;22:31-4. 0.942 -
A Case of Bone Pain Caused by Erythropoietin.
Yamada T, Terai Y, Yamashita Y, Kim N, Ueki M.
Int J Clin Oncol.1996;1:61-2. 1.41 -
A Case of ectopic ovary.
Yamashita Y, Kamegai H, Terai Y, Yamada T, Ueki M.
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical Col1ege.1998;44:1-4. -
A case of a methotrexate-resistant ectopic pregnancy in which dactinomycin was effective as a second-line chemotherapy.
Fujioka S, Yamashita Y, Kawabe S, Kamegai H, Terai Y, Ohmichi M.
Fertil Steril.2009;91:929. 3.564 -
A Case of Concomitant Pregnancy Following Supplement of Mestranol and Norethisterone to Control the Menstrual Cycle.
Tanaka T, Yamashita Y, Kato S, Kato T, Terai Y, Ohmichi M.
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College.2010;56:91-4. -
Two Cases of Isolated Fallopian Tube Torsion Diagnosed and Treated by Laparoscopy:Two Different Underlying Causes.
Nakamura Y, Okuda K, Yamashita Y, Terai Y, Yoshida Y, Omichi M.
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College.2011;57:101-5.
子宮頚部原発悪性黒色腫のMRI-amelanotic melanomaのl例
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IVF-ET 2段階胚移植法後に発生した子宮内外3胎同時妊娠例の経験
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